Security 安全程序
CACA Mid-Jersey Chinese School (MJCS) has been operating continuously in East Brunswick since 1963, serving East Brunswick and Central Jersey with Chinese language and cultural classes for both children and adults. MJCS is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization administered by a group of volunteer staff.
Language classes for children and cultural classes for adults are held at the Churchill Junior High School for 28 Saturdays during the school year between September and June, from 9:30 am – 11:30 am. School administration is located in the cafetorium. MJCS has an established security plan, which includes recent enhancements and clarifications. The objective of this plan is to provide a safe and secure environment.
Parents may drop off children at the south section of the building from 9:15 am – 9:45 am
All students must wear their MJCS ID card on a lanyard when entering the building and at all times in the building.
Replacement for lost or damaged MJCS ID cards and lanyards are available at the school administrative desk located in the cafetorium. There is a $8 replacement fee for both ID and lanyard. If you find a lost MJCS ID card, please return it to the school administrative desk.
After 9:45 only authorized personnel shall be permitted to remain in the building.
Between 9:45 am – 11:30 am, no one shall be permitted to enter the building from any entrance in the south section of the building. All visitors/students will be directed to enter the building at the main entrance. Students will be escorted to their classroom by a Youth Volunteer. Visitors will be required to sign in with a valid government-issued photo identification document (ID) at the Security desk and obtain a visitor’s pass. No visitors will be permitted to enter the building without a visitor’s pass.
From 11:30 – 11:45, parents of young children will be permitted to pick up their children at south section of the building.
Any security issues or concerns must be immediately reported to the school securities, or MJCS staffs.
CACA 紐澤西中部中文學校 (MJCS) 自 1963 年創辦以來持續在東布倫瑞克,為新澤西州中部提供兒童的中文教學和成人的文化課程。 MJCS 是一個 501(c)3 非營利組織,由一群志願人員管理。
校舍位於Churchill Junior High School。在 9 月至 6 月的學年星期六,由上午 9:30 至 11:30提供兒童語言課程和成人文化課程,共 28 課。學校行政辦事處位於校內食堂。 MJCS 有一個既定的安全及保安政策和程序,並就需要改善的地方擬定改善行動計劃,務求進一步提供一個安全可靠的學習環境。
上午9:15 至9:45,家長可在學校南區入口送孩子上學。
所有學生在進入校舍和在校內的都必須掛上MJCS 學生證。
遺失或損壞的 MJCS 學生證和掛繩可在位於校內食堂內的學校行政服務台補領。補領學生證和掛繩的費用為$8 美元。所繳費用不會退還。如拾獲遺失的MJCS 學生證,請將其交還給學校行政服務台。
上午 9:45 後,僅允許授權人士留在校內。
上午 9:45 至上午 11:30,任何人不得從南區入口進入校舍。所有訪客/學生必須從正門的入口進入。學生將由校內指定進入的員工護送到他們的教室。訪客必須在保安服務台附上政府簽發之附照片有效身份證明文件,登記才可獲得訪客通行證。所有訪客都必須取得訪客通行證才可進入校舍。
從11:30 到11:45,家長可在學校南區入口接孩子放學。
任何安全問題或疑慮必須立即報告給學校保安或 MJCS 工作人員。
MJCS is not responsible for the use of school facilities for other events authorized by the East Brunswick Schools. It is not possible for MJCS to monitor the entry of unauthorized personnel when such other events are taking place. MJCS recommends that the outside access doors to the gymnasium remain locked if there is no East Brunswick school or other event taking place. If an authorized event is taking place, MJCS recommends that the coordinator of such event be made responsible for monitoring the entry of personnel through the gymnasium entrance.
Prior to Fire Drill date, inform all teachers and students the date and time (4th week, from 11:00AM to 11:10AM). Make sure every teacher and school staffs who are involved in the Fire Drill have been given the evacuation plan and the map of evacuation routes. The Safety Officer will sound the gong to start the Fire Drill.
Every teacher escorts students exiting the school building according to the map of evacuation routes and wait at the exit outside of building for the next instruction.
Security duty parents guard each exit door from outside and guide teachers and students to the designated area.
The Principal, Security Officer and school staffs will check all classrooms, bathrooms and cafetorium to ensure no one is inside the school premise. Finishing the checking, exit to the designated area.
The assigned school staffs will meet teachers and make sure every student in his/her class has been counted. After the safety officer sounds the gong to finish the drill, teachers are allowed to escort students to reenter the school building.
YV counselor will arrange and assign YV to assist classes of 2nd graders and under for fire drill.
In case the school is made non-accessible, the alternate meeting place for teachers, students and parents is Hong Kong Super Market parking lot.
演習前,通知全校師生演習的日期及時間(第四週早上 11 點 至 11 點 10 分),確定每一位老師,校務及相關人員都已拿到疏散圖,並了解疏散路徑。指定由安全組長敲鑼開始演習。
Smoke Alarms
Should be installed on every level of a home and outside each bedroom
Should be tested at least once a month
Batteries should be replaced in accordance with manufacturing requirements or whenever: the 1ilarm. begins to chirp
Sleep with doors closed to provide protection against heat and smoke
Fire Drills
Have them
Practice exiting the home two different ways
Choose an outside meeting place in advance
Space Heaters
Should be kept at least three feet away from anything that can burn
Should be kept away from children
Should be turned off when you leave your room or go to bed
Electric Appliances & Electrical Cords
If an appliance smokes or has an unusual smell, unplug it immediately and have it repaired
Replace electrical cords which have cracked or frayed
Do not overload extension cords or sockets
Do not run extension cords under rugs
Important Documents
Make copies, update them, and store them in a offsite and secure place
Cigarette butts -- the leading cause of fire deaths in the U.S.
Use large, deep ashtrays
Water should be put on the butts before discarding
Check cushions before going to bed or leaving the house
Support national and local Fire Departments through donation and volunteerism
Test doors before you open them - if hot, use another route; if cool, and open with caution
When exit through smoke the cleanest air will be several inches above the floor so crawl on your hands or knees to the nearest exit
If your clothes catch fire, drop to the ground, cover your face with hands to protect your face and lungs and roll over and over to smother the flames
If you get trapped, close the doors and stuff the cracks to keep the smoke out. Wait at a window and signal for help with a flashlight, or wave a light-colored piece of material
Do not use elevator or escalator
Call fire department
Never, never run back into a building that is already on fire